"Getting to the point, however, the primary purpose of a business is to make money."

This sentence seems wrong to me. That´s not the way I believe business should be. Sure it´s probably the truth for most of todays businesses, but there are already businesses serving a higher purpose.

Overall I´m not really excited. I hope it will never go Mainstream. The Metaverse seems to be like trying to colonize Mars. Spending our collective wealth on something that serves a few while disregarding the many.

We haven´t even figured out how to do the human thing properly. Yet we build a virtual reality that probably disembodies us even more? Seems like another step in the wrong direction.

Welcome to Substack though :)

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Yes, definitely, ideally, businesses should prioritize solving a societal issue. However, a business cannot function unless it makes money. And the fact that the Metaverse will disembody us is definitely something I did not think about. Thank you so much for adding that part. It is something I'll look into (maybe even write about).

Thank you! I am excited to be here :)

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